About Our Frames
We believe everyone deserves high quality eyewear and that it must be affordable.
Our frames are hand made in the same town and same region as most European luxury frames. We use the same ‘A+’ grade materials as most Luxury eyewear producers. Our costs are the same as most of your £££ brands. The difference is we don’t believe you should pay for that privilege.
So we cut out the middle man, reduced RRP by 45% and enabled you to have the best quality European acetate frames on the market. £225 including single vision lenses.
Designer Tom Herrington draws his influences from varying cultural & design sources; from Michael Caine to Princess Margaret, between St Leonards on Sea & Monte Carlo and crossing Art Deco with old Alfa Romeos - If its classic and chic it’s been incorporated.
For our latest collection we present our 6 best-selling styles of all time, offered in our original 2010 colourways: Obsidian + Havana Social. A concise collection of RockOptika icons

Jura - The home of luxury handmade eyewear...
The craft of eyeglass making was born and bred in Jura. The region is home to quality products that have put French eyewear on the map. The RockOptika factory is in the town of Oyannax - famed for spectacle making and rugby and considered by many high-end brands to be the ONLY place to produce luxury handmade eyewear...There's even a museum of eyewear there ;)